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As a mother I have been given the distinct honour and privilege to guide the development of two young minds.  It is a challenging and very rewarding lifelong experience where I am constantly reminded that a strong emotional system and stable environment are integral in molding our young persons into responsible, caring and respectful adults.  More so what is critical and crucial is that our young persons must have a keen sense of self worth and are self motivated.  Our young persons must be self motivated to use their unique God given talents for their own development and that of others around them.



Students do not worry if you are uncertain as to your career choice.  Those are long term decisions, be more concerned with achievable goals, those for the short term that you can readily correlate with your current state in life.  Focus on the choices you make today such as weather to be on facebook or to watch the television instead of revising for my exams.



You have to chart your cause now, not your parents’ course for you because in twenty years hence, you must be able to say I was motivated by the Grace of God to have taken control of my destiny.


Along life’s path we may meet bumps along the way, all of us may not succeed at the same rate but do not let failure or challenges deter you from becoming a successful person.  Remain focused and always conscious of choosing to remain self motivated in all that you do.



Wishing you God’s blessings, peace and remain self motivated.


Nicole O. M. Sylvester

President Grammar School PTA






President – Ms. Nicole Sylvester

Vice President – Mrs. Kim Halbich

Secretary- Mrs. Kaushalya Nedd

Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer-Ms. Desiree Richards

Treasurer - Mr. Dave Baptiste

PRO – Gilbert Porter


Committee Members

1. Mrs. Louise Mitchell

2. Mrs. Juovanie Roberts

3. Mrs. Roslyn Maule

4. Mrs. Dollis Alexander


©2015 St. Vincent Grammar School.


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The St. Vincent Grammar School

P.O. Box 369 
St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Tel: 1-784-456-1337

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