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The Rev'd Deacon Neville Glean

The Rev'd Deacon Neville Glean has been attending St. Patrick's for over 20 years. After leaving St. John where he was born, he moved to St. Patrick where he grew up. The young Mr. Glean attended the St. Patrick's Anglican School and the Grenada Boys Secondary School and after worked in Gouyave before migrating to England where he furthered his studies and lived for a number of years. On returning, he taught at St. Andrews Anglican Secondary School for five years before he went to teach at MacDonald College from 1982 to 1999, when he retired.


While teaching at MacDonald College and living in St. Patrick, Mr. Glean began attending St. Patrick Anglican Church where he was very active in Lay Ministry. He was a Sunday School teacher, a member of the choir, a member of the Parish Church Council and served on various committiees including the Volunteer Transportation Committee and later, with training he became a licensed Lay-Reader - leading and assisting the cleargy in some services which included; preaching, administering the chalice, burying the dead, etc.


His commitment to serving the Lord and his dedication resulted in his response to the call to serve in the ordained ministry as a non-stipendary Deacon. Following local training in the diocese, Mr. Glean was ordained as a deacon on May 8th 2012. Following his ordination, the Rev'd Deacon Neville Glean was assigned to serve at St. Patrick, as the assisting cleargy. Deacon Glean loves to serve the Lord and has a passion to teach and preach God's word.

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