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Our misson is to pursue God's mission as we respond to the needs of our parish and beyond with; fellowship, teaching, education, witness, prayer and Godly service as we uphold our traditions, preserve our history and use our gifts by working together for spiritual growth, upliftment and development of all people.

Regular Service Schedule


St. Patrick's Congregation

Sauteurs, St. Patrick

Regular Services & Activities:


Worship and Holy Communion - 7:30AM

Sunday School during service.


Morning Prayer - 6:30AM

Bible Study - 4:30PM

Power Hour of Prayer - 5:30PM



St. Mary's & St. Francis

congregations merge at St. Mary's, 

Hermitage, St. Patrick

Regular Services & Activities:


Worship and Holy Communion - 9:30AM

Sunday School during service.


Morning Prayer - 6:30AM

Bible Study after Morning Prayer


Welcome to our web site. We invite you to join us in carrying out our Lord’s mission. Please join us, for worship and other activities when possible. We also welcome your support. And, if there is anything we can do for you or someone, please let us know. Welcome in Jesus name

+1-473-442-9249 - Church Office & Rectory - Church E-Mail - Rectors E-Mail

Mission Statement




Thought For Today

 "People ar often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honmest, people may cheat you. Be kind honest anyay. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. B hapy any way. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorr. Do goo anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give yourbest anywa. Foryou see, in the end, it is bewen yu and God. It ws never between you and themanyway". - Mother Teresa     

Feature of The Month of September - Sewardship Campaign: An opportuniy to reflect onand commit you gifts to share in our Lord's Minstry.
Thanks for your support and contribuion to our Annual Harvest Thanksgiving and ingathering.  May Almight God continue to bless you for your faithful giving.
Prayers and Prayer Request
In Our Community & The Talk Around Town
More Services From LIME in Sauteurs!

Right at Philbert Brothers Super Market... You can now get all your LIME services without going to another parish. We Are Moving Ahead

Who can say that there is a better Carnival in Grenada than St. Patrick's!!!

everybody gearing up for Jovert and more... Island Style.

We believe in the power of prayer and we invite you to join us and let us know of your needs for prayer

Success! Message received.



As we pursue our Lord's ministry and continue to grow, we are ever so grateful for the financial contributions and gifts from our members and others. In spite of this, we are still faced with some financial challenges, but we are confident, with faith in God, that we will overcome these challenges - "for with God all things are possible" - Mark 10:27


Consquently, we are asking for your support to collaborate with us so we can be more effective. Some if the ways you can give include:

1. Regular membership contribution - A requirement to maintain membership

2. Special contributions for special days and activities (e.g. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Harvest, Easter, Christmas, etc.)

3. Special contributions towards repairs and maintenance of properties.

4. Contributions to maintenance of cemeteries

5. Larger contributions towards Restoration/Rebuilding of properties - Building Fund*

6. Other contributions/gifts for specific needs - special liturgical needs and memorials; food and clothes for the needy;       christmas gifts for children; others*


*NOTE - for 5 and 6 above. Please contact the Rector before, in order to discuss the priority, needs and other conditions


we thank you in anticipation for your favourable response and we pray that as you freely give you will receive the Lord's blessings.


Please click the paypal button below to contrubution to any of the causes listed above or just to give a donation to the church

All gifts/donations will be acknowledged and are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Thank you. “


God loves a cheerful giver” – 2 Cor. 9:7. We pray God’s blessings on you. AMEN

Donate with PayPal

© 2013 St. Patrick's Anglican Grenada. All Rights Reserved

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